Just My Notes

Is Psychology Right for You?

The problem with most college students is that they do not know what course suits their interests and capabilities. If you are a high school student planning to major in Psychology, a college student wondering whether to shift to Psychology, or a Psychology undergraduate student hesitating about your course, go through the profile of a psychologist below and check the statements that apply to you (Yes/No).

The Psychology Student: Statement

  1. I like to think about why people do what they do.
  2. I like reading about recent findings in Psychology.
  3. I am very open to claims about the causes of behavior, whether or not they are backed up by scientific evidence.
  4. I don't like Statistics and I don't think it is helpful at all in studying Psychology.
  5. I believe that Human Behavior can be explained in different perspectives.
  6. I would like to conduct psychological research.
  7. I rarely listen to my friends' problems, and they seldom approach me too.
  8. I get frustrated when I don't get the right answers.
  9. I am very careful with details.
  10. I like to solve problems.
  11. I don't usually share what I know.
  12. I don't see myself working as a Psychologist.

The Psychology Student: Scoring

Give yourself 1 point for each item if you answered "Yes" to items # 1, 2, 5, 6, 9 & 10, and "No" to items # 3, 4, 7, 8, 11 & 12. The higher the point, the higher the likelihood that you'll find satisfaction is studying Psychology. Although the test is only a rough estimate of the probability that you'll enjoy Psychology, it gives you a basic overview of what interests or characterizes Psychologists. (Kindly state to the comment section below on how much you scored.)