Just My Notes

List of Contemporary Psychologists and Their Field of Expertise

What do Psychologists do?

The list of Psychology experts below is a reflection of the diversity and complexity of the contemporary approaches to Psychology and areas of specializations offered are manifested on the research interests of these experts, and how they conduct research and apply psychological principles to their work or career. You will find that the emphasis on the use of the scientific method on studying behavior and mental processes is vividly inscribed within the activities of these experts.

Apanovitch, Anne Marie

Anna Marie Apanovitch is an Experimental Psychologist currently working as the Senior Marketing Analyst of Bayer Corporation. Doing cost-effective analysis on various drugs, she says that Psychology has helped her enhance critical thinking abilities and communication skills useful for the job.

Barnett, Rosalind

Rosalind Barnett researches on women's issues at the Murray Research Center at Radcliffe College. She specialized in the Psychology of Women and she is interested in studying how work and family demands affect women's behavior. She is currently comparing career and family expectations of male and female students at Tufts University and how those factors influence their choice in taking traditional and non-traditional majors.

Baumeister, Roy

Roy Baumeister is a Social Psychologist at Case Western Reserve University. He studies how self-esteem influences behavior, how people control their behavior, how they perform under pressure, and why people tend to focus on the negative side of life.

Brunza, Jay

Jay Brunza is a Sports Psychologist who taught Tiger Woods effective visualization techniques, concentration skills and emotional check-up and monitoring during his early career in golf.

Carstensen, Laura

Laura Carstensen is a Developmental Psychologist and Director of the Institute for Gender and Women at Stanford University. She is interested in studying the emotional lives of older adults. For instance, she found that older adults' selectivity on social interaction is an expression of the high regard they place on emotional satisfaction.

Deitz, Sheila

Sheila Deitz is a Forensic Psychologist at Englewood, Colorado. Because of her research on how juries make decisions, she is often consulted by attorneys to act as an expert witness, to prepare questions to defendants, and to create mock juries.

Feldman, Roberta

Roberta Feldman is an architect who specialized in Environmental Psychology. She researches on how structural and community designs influence behavior. She believes that builders, architects and engineers should listen well to their clients to cater to their needs and individual preferences. She found that people feel more comfortable when their living and work spaces are in junction with their personality.

Hammond, Rodney

Rodney Hammond is a Community Psychologist and trainer at Wright State University in Ohio. He is also the director of the federally funded program on suicide- and violence-prevention among ethnic minority youth. He teaches them how social skills can be used to prevent and manage conflict effectively.

Hough, Leatta

Leatta Hough is an I/O Psychologist and co-founder of the Personnel Decisions Research Institute at Minneapolis. She conducts testing to predict work behavior and personnel selection to maximize work productivity.

Ickovics, Jeanette

Jeanette Ickovics is a Health Psychologist at Yale University. She studies what risky behaviors lead to adolescent pregnancy and STDs.

LeDoux, Joseph

Joseph LeDoux is a Neuroscientist at New York University. He researches on the biological cause of anxiety disorders, and how people form, store and retrieve memories of traumatic events.

Pressley, Michael

Michael Pressley is an Educational Psychologist at Notre Dame University. He found that periodic summarizing and monitoring textual meanings are strategies that markedly improve reading in children.

Revelle, William

William Revelle is a Personality Psychologist at Northwestern University. He is currently studying how personality traits are related with motivation and cognition (thinking style).

Stevenson, Jim

Jim Stevenson is an Experimental Psychologist at the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA). Being blind, he is interested in studying hearing patterns and how sounds can be added to aid graphic displays.

Triandis, Harry

Harry Triandis is a Cross-cultural Psychologist at the University of Illinois. He studies how cultures differ on their collective and individualistic orientation. For instance, he found that US citizens are individually oriented and are more competitive than the Chinese and Japanese.

Vargas, Luis

Luis Vargas is a Clinical Child Psychologist at the Children's Pediatric Hospital at the University of New Mexico. He is interested in studying cultural issues on psychological assessment and treatment. He is currently conducting therapy on Latino juvenile delinquents.